JB ENTERPRISES Under the canopy of JB Digital, LLC, some of the following operations are currently active; this is also a list of other endeavours not directly related to business. Thank you for visiting and for your support. JB Digital, LLC Perhaps the logical progression of over twenty years in the computer field, jbdigital.net offers services related to kiosks, business cards and technical support. We're currently stationed in Central Florida, and serve Polk county, but we are able to provide remote technical support across the United States. Website: jbdigital.net YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jbdigitaltech Prontowork.net It is a business card directory for businesses like yours! What sets us apart is that we group business cards simply by County; our stagnant hope is to create a business card holder app that would work with prontowork.net, where restaurants can display business cards and users can put them in the business card app with the punch of a number, then share them with family and friends; check out our website and take advange of our buy one get one (year), free. Website: www.prontowork.net Westingfarm.com The natural tendency when you live in five acres is to want to make the land produce, and it is producing, at its own pace, but it is producing! We currently have about 400 baby podocarpus trees, 70 papaya trees, still in baby stage an about 60 pineapple plants, we also have chickens and bunnies, checkout our youtube channel and our etsy store, we thank you for your support! Website: westingfarm.com YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@westing-farm Distancekeeper.net Bringing awareness of the dangers of tailgating. Ironically this effort started by in 2019 prior to that nasty virus, which by the way, just as bad as that virus, and who knows, perhaps even worse, is the human nature, which was revealed much during that period of time; all of the sudden, the word "distancekeeper" took a different meaning, yet time has passed and the website's still up, won't you support us and get a free sticker? Thanks! Website: distancekeeper.net TrueGrace.net Dispaying Bible verses with nature backgrounds. This is perhaps the project I like the most, yet it's the most neglected on my part, nevertheless, nothing can draws closer to the Lord than His Word, and when we couple it with nature backgrounds, peace and joy can have free access to the heart; if you're interested in TrueGrace, let us know! The project is in beginning stages as well. Feel free to check the website. Website: truegrace.net YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@truegracedotnet JCTruth.net A website mostly dedicated to display the Bible. The world is in turmoil simply because it doesn't want to be ruled by God, yet the further away man withdraws from God, the more man becomes as slave, not only of sin, but of every oppressor, I truly believe that only God's Word can set us free, the truth shall set us free! Website: jctruth.net MadeInTruth.net Bringing the best of Christian resources together. The United States is perhaps the only Christian nation with beginnings like the arrival of the Pilgrims in 1620, a power house of help to the world and also of Christian resources, but such resources can be overwhelming, therefore careful selection in alignment with Biblical teaching is our goal. Website: madeintruth.net YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@madeintruthdotnet Etsy We currently have a few products made at the farm for sale. Car stickers Soil sifter Greenhouse self holders Sanding blocks Automatic floating-valves (for bucket chicken waterer) Wooden address number And more, as ideas come... Take a look and thank you for your support! Website: westingfarm.etsy.com ![]() Thank you for your support and God bless you! |